Friday, 19 February 2016

It is real!

So, i have a place in The Spine Challenger, all the hard work of pouring over kit lists starts... do i have something suitable or do i need to buy new kit? I do know i have to spend some "big bucks" on a GPS, sleeping bag, pack, and probably a multitude of other stuff that all adds up.

Also - i just booked the last available room in Edale. Anyone who left it later now has to stay in another nearby village and drive over :-)

So, race place confirmed, accommodation booked, training started (11m this morning :-) ) and i am now looking at some training/recce weekends so i can cover the whole route in daylight. Probably over 3 weekends, maybe 4.

Ohh i am soooo excited! (can you tell?) :-)

Monday, 15 February 2016

Oh feck, oh feck, oh feck!

Having been obsessed with following The Spine/The Spine Challenger on-line, watching all the little dots crawl their way up the Pennine way, i in a moment of sheer stupidity, "expressed an interest" in doing next years Spine Challenger.

Worried/convinced that my ultra experience wouldn't be up to scratch - i was proved wrong yesterday when i received the "Congratulations! Your application has been successful and we are delighted to offer you a place on the 2017 MONTANE® Spine® Challenger." email.

I am over the moon - and bricking myself all at the same time.

I had better start training now!